Wednesday, July 18, 2007

OT link and Handwriting without tears

Canadian Occupational Therapy Resource Site you search this site you'll find articles on handwriting etc.

Handwriting Without Tears
Developed by an occupational therapist and handwriting specialist, Handwriting Without Tears is an easy way to teach pre-printing, printing, & cursive. I've heard from one parent who found this useful to her child, but have not actually yet tested it myself.


KateGladstone said...

As a handwriting instruction/remediation consultant (self-remediated; I have dysgraphia and Asperger's among other things!), I have to say that I've seen a lot of kids cry over Handwriting "Without" Tears. Quite a lot of former HWTears students end up on my doorstep after HWTears has failed with them. HWTears nevertheless advertises an unbroken success record, often telling parents/teachers who call to report problems: "You are the only person who has EVER reported a problem. If you change to something else and then your child finally succeeds, it will all be due to what you and your child have learned from our program instead."


Kate Gladstone

Unknown said...

There is a new multisensory traceable handwriting product on the market to teach cursive to dyslexic and dysgraphic students. The product allows stimulation of the motor memory of the letters separate from the physical use of the pencil. Please check out I use this product with my dysgraphic and dyslexic students. At first, I spent hours making sandpaper letters for my students. My students prefer the texture on these letters.